Published on July 28, 2017
The UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number) is a nice idea. Essentially a barcode for the lifecycle of a property this piece of data can be used to uniquely identify any valid property. It is the crux of the address gazetteers in the UK, used in AddressBase and provides the de-facto ...
Published on July 23, 2017
At version of ArcMap 10.4.1 a number of more interesting Python modules are included such as Pandas. For anyone with an interest in Python the programming environment suddenly becomes interesting in it's own right. Despite ESRI moving in positive direction, leveraging some the Open Source nature of ...
Published on December 12, 2013
I've been having a lot of fun working with django-geojson, and django-leaflet to return records from a Point dataset kept in PostGIS. The project docs are very clear but I found an additional tutorial by one of the developers Mathieu Leplatre, which makes it very simple to get a ...
Published on November 21, 2011
£200 pounds lighter from PC World (I just like to be able to walk back into the shop if something goes wrong) and I walked out with an Asus EeePC 1011px. It wasn't quite the exceptional deal I was after, some confusing posters made me think that I was ...!-->
Published on January 24, 2011
I've been running two installations of Merurial but tried checking the repo generated by one installation by the other and got an error message today:
hg status
abort: requirement 'dotencode' not supported!
Seems I was running an older version of Mercurial that needed upgrading.
Published on December 10, 2010
Notes on adding the grappelli and filebrowser Django modules to the Django admin site.
Published on August 29, 2010
A list of all the useful software installed since the beginning of 2010.
Published on August 29, 2010
Notes on recent experieces using free revision control software Subversion and Mercurial.
A list of all blog entries under the category Open Source