Published on December 27, 2018
Sometimes it’s just useful to debug ESRI script tools rather than peppering them with arcpy.AddMessage() commands – try looping through a dictionary object that way.
We haven’t yet moved to ArcGIS Pro so forgive me if I’ve yet to see the light but for those still working with ArcGIS ...
Published on January 15, 2018
Recently I was asked to help archive an old phpBB3 forum. At work and at home I am fortunate enough to be able to work with Python. Aside from being accessible and free, those involved with Python often publish thier code which can also be acessed generally under an open licence.
In this particular case I was already familiar with the requests module and while I had heard of the Beautiful Soup module I hadn't yet used it...
Published on July 28, 2017
The UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number) is a nice idea. Essentially a barcode for the lifecycle of a property this piece of data can be used to uniquely identify any valid property. It is the crux of the address gazetteers in the UK, used in AddressBase and provides the de-facto ...
Published on July 23, 2017
At version of ArcMap 10.4.1 a number of more interesting Python modules are included such as Pandas. For anyone with an interest in Python the programming environment suddenly becomes interesting in it's own right. Despite ESRI moving in positive direction, leveraging some the Open Source nature of ...
Published on July 14, 2017
I've been working with Python at work for a while (circa 8 years). Work is at a Local Authrority and is a MSFT Windows environment, sat behind proxy servers and a firewall. Home is a Linux environment and it certainly working with the standard Python package manager (pip) and Python virtual environments has been a lot easier...
A list of all blog entries under the category Python